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Reception Intake September 2022

Dear Parents / Carers,  

We are delighted that your child will be joining us for Reception at Garnteg Primary School from September 2022. We would like this opportunity to welcome you and as a school we look forward to getting to know you. We have scheduled a virtual intake programme to provide as much information as possible to support a smooth transition for your child.   

Over the coming weeks we will be, 

  • Posting key information on our school website:
  • Posting key information on our twitter page @garntegprimary 
  • Posting key information on our weekly Newsletter
  • Emailing key information 
  • Sending Text reminders

Please see the Early Years Questionnaire which can be downloaded here to be returned by email to by Monday 7th June 2021.

Please look out for key information on the following dates:

Friday 20th May - Please check your emails for our Early Years Questionnaire to be returned by email to by Friday 10th June.


Friday 10th June - Please check your emails for a video of your child's new classroom.  Further information will be shared on our school website.


Friday 10th June - Please check your emails for our class handbooks.


Thursday 29th June at 1pm - Reception intake meeting for parents virtually on Microsoft Teams.  Your child will also have chance to meet their new teacher over Microsoft Teams.



Please use the following links to view an introduction video for you child's class

Class 1

Class 2


Reception Class handbooks can be accessed here

Class 1

Class 2

Need to Contact Us?

If you need to contact us regarding an emergency or simply a general enquiry click the button to view the ways you can contact us.